4 Ways to Effectively Make the Most of Your Workday

Do you often feel that by the end of your workday, you hardly completed anything? You had back to back meetings, received so many additional requests that needed to be completed immediately, had distractions or interruptions pop up every few minutes, and now have an even longer to-do list looming over you.


It’s time to take back control when it comes to your productivity levels. That day starts today.


1. Focus on one task at a time

To focus on one task at a time doesn’t mean that you can’t accomplish many things during your day. It simply means you will be more productive if you aren’t constantly jumping from task to task, and even if you are, that you put all other thoughts aside and focus all attention on what you are doing.


The more you allow your mind to wander and become distracted, the longer it will take for you to complete your duties. Take a moment to take a deep breath, release all of the tension of your to-do list, and focus on what you are about to accomplish.



2. Get organized by writing out a list in order of priority

For many people, it helps to physically see what needs to be done, in order to achieve those goals. A to-do list keeps you accountable throughout your workday and helps organize what items need to be completed first.


Before you start your day, prioritize your tasks and make notes of what you plan to achieve that day. Take it day by day, instead of week by week, because schedules change and something more important could come up that will need your attention. Be realistic about what you hope to accomplish and don’t be afraid to ask for help if you feel stretched too thin.



3. Communicate with your team

In addition to helping you get organized, a list will help you to be able to vocalize to your team or colleagues that you may need more time, you can’t take on anything additional and need to delegate, or just simply communicate everything that is on your plate to manage their expectations. It is one thing to say, “I just have so much to do” and it is another to be more specific and say, “These are all of the items I am working on completing.”



4. Organize your workspace so that it is efficient

Your desk says a lot about you and is a reflection of your mindset. If your workspace is scattered, messy, and just overall chaotic – that is likely how you are working. If your workspace is tidy, with everything you use routinely in a convenient spot – you are likely working more efficiently.


If your workspace isn’t working for you, consider adjusting the layout and putting items you use most frequently nearby. Invest in storage containers or organization bins, so that everything has a place and you know exactly where to find it. One of the biggest distractions of your workday might be simply searching for a document, folder, or even a pen. As your items get lost and your organization takes a nose dive, so will your productivity.



There isn’t one perfect way to work smart and have a productive workday. However, making it a priority to find the system that works best for you is the first step and can make a huge difference in your efficiency.