5 Easy Ways to Keep Active at Work

*Time to stand!* *You can still make it!* *Another 50 steps to win the hour!*



When you’re in the middle of your workday, “winning the hour” can feel like the least of your worries. Trying to keep active at work is a lot harder than it seems, especially when you have deadlines to worry about and customers to help. Believe it or not, fall and winter are right around the corner and exercising can get a whole lot harder when it’s below freezing outside.



It’s good to get into a routine and implement small ways to exercise, even at work. Experts often say 10,000 steps a day should be one of your goals. However, getting 10,000 steps in when you’re sitting in front of a computer all day can be an impossible task.



A good time to get your steps in is during your breaks. Take a walk during your lunch break or a short stroll in between tasks when you’re feeling your focus fading. Exercising throughout the day will help you be more productive with work and come back refreshed and energized. Volunteer to the be person who runs out for coffee (unless you work at CommonGrounds Workplace where coffee is just steps away from your office) or skip the water cooler chats and socialize with your colleagues during a short walk.



A standing desk is a healthy alternative to sitting down all day. CommonGrounds Workplace offers standing desks at many of their workspaces and you can adjust them based on your height. Standing uses more muscles and burns more calories than sitting. A standing desk will also help to improve your posture and allow you to stretch throughout the day. When you feel like you’re ready to sit back down, with a press of a button you’ll be seated in seconds.



Find ways to make your workspace more activity friendly. A coworking space like CommonGrounds provides ergonomic chairs and sit-stand desks, but you’re welcome to swap out your chair for a bounce ball. You could even reorganize your furniture so it’s clear to stroll around your office during phone calls instead of reclining in your chair. Check with your team and your workplace manager to see what else you could bring into the office.



Another way to keep active at work is to incorporate activity during your commute. If you live close to the office, consider walking or cycling to work on nice weather days. Some CommonGrounds locations have bike storage* so you have a secure place to keep your bike during the work day.



Start small and don’t be afraid to think big when it comes to trying to keep active at work. It might be simpler than you think to win the hour and close your circles while in the office!



*Please check with your workplace team to confirm if your location has bike storage.