5 Reasons Businesses Choose Flex Space

If your workspace isn’t a flex space, you aren’t enjoying your work day as much as you could be.



Returning to work is an adjustment. It can be a challenge to transition from working remotely for two years, to working in an office surrounded by people again. The professional world has gotten so used to having their office right in their home and only socializing with colleagues during virtual meetings.



Switching back to the standard office with a 9am-5pm schedule and same desk view all day is not something anyone would be too excited about. That’s why flex space is a much better solution when it comes to heading back to the office.



1. Businesses choose flex space because of the flexibility in schedule. Many memberships at a flex space like CommonGrounds Workplace offer 24/7 building access*, so you can work early mornings, nights, or weekends. You can come and go as you please and don’t have to worry about hitting extra traffic during your commute to make it to the office by 9:00am. Additionally, you can let your team choose the hours that works best for their schedule.



2. Businesses choose flex space because of the technology options. Gone are the days of spotty Wi-Fi connections. CommonGrounds offers advanced technology even in their conference rooms. Many of these meeting rooms have televisions with screen sharing capabilities, so you can host gatherings of all kinds seamlessly. Additionally, these spaces have IT add ons available and perks like keyless entry.



3. Businesses choose flex space because of the networking opportunities. Work is a great place to create new friendships and relationships. Flex spaces like CommonGrounds have businesses of all types working there. You can collaborate with others, gain new clients, and even exchange advice or skills just by chatting during coffee refills. Additionally, many sites like this host events or opportunities for their members to meet. It makes networking easy and simple.



4. Businesses choose flex space because they can choose their work environment. Having choices matters. The same four walls and desk view doesn’t do much to boost creativity. Flex spaces offer workspaces all over the office. While of course you can work in your office, you can also work in any soft seating lounge, private call room, or even reserve a conference room to change up your environment.

Inspiration can hit you anywhere and changing up workspaces can freshen your mind. You can look at new views and meet new people. Ideas can come from anywhere!



5. Businesses choose flex space because of the all-inclusive amenities. How amazing is it to have every resource you could imagine, right in the office and available to you? No more coffee runs or teaching your interns how to make stale coffee in the break room. No more forgetting to order toner for the printer or feeling frustrated when you can hear everything your coworker is saying from the office next door.

Offices at CommonGrounds have dual paned glass and are acoustically enhanced to keep noise out and privacy in. Additionally, printing stations are available to you, as well as a friendly workplace team to answer your questions!



*24/7 building access is only available with select memberships. Please see your workplace team for details.