5 Tips for Better Collaboration in the Workplace

We work better together. Collaboration in the workplace can result in all kinds of success – fresh perspectives, new ideas, increased efficiency. However, after two years spent trying to “avoid others” due to the pandemic, the art of collaboration may be a little lost.



In the workplace, collaboration can come in many forms. You can collaborate with direct coworkers, collaborate with superiors, and collaborate with people in other departments or divisions of your company. The beauty of collaboration is that people with different strengths and skillsets can come together to create better outcomes or spark creativity they may not have had otherwise.



That being said, collaboration might not come as naturally to teams since the past two years have been spent working alone or remotely. Many people have forgotten how to work as a team or have lost sight of the benefits collaboration can bring.Let’s look at some ways to change that mindset and work better together.



1. Communicate when collaborating

Like most scenarios, communication is key. It’s important to speak up when you have an idea or see a conflict, as well as listen intently to others and value what they have to say.

Not everyone learns in the same way or has the same education, so it’s important to understand that when working closely with others. Be clear with what you say, how you say it, and how you receive it from others.



2. Determine your goals

It’s important to set your team up for success by defining what needs to be accomplished and when. Set clear short-term and long-term goals when working together and let your team know what to expect in terms of timeline, budget, and responsibilities.



3. Size matters

Sometimes there’s just “too many cooks in the kitchen”. There are too many opinions and too many people talking over each other. In order to keep conversations and ideas under control, consider having smaller groups of people meet so that everyone can be heard.

If you need to bring your project to other people outside your group for review or approval, consider appointing a group representative to meet with them. This will help communication stay streamlined.



4. Assign roles

When working with a team, it’s important to be clear when assigning tasks and roles. You don’t want to waste time or resources because two people got confused and ending up completing the same task. Everyone needs to have an individual job within the team’s goals.



5. Give positive feedback and celebrate success

Positive reinforcement is beneficial for employees in so many ways. It encourages confidence and boosts motivation in the workplace. Just as individuals need to celebrate wins, so do teams. Take time to appreciate the work your collaborators are doing and acknowledge progress along the way.



One of the biggest challenges team members face in 2022 is having to work together while still working remotely. One great solution to that challenge is meeting regularly in a coworking space like CommonGrounds Workplace.


Your team can either purchase a membership for the duration of your project to frequently meet in person or just purchase day passes as needed. Collaboration doesn’t have to be hard, just look for the right solutions!