5 Tips for Managing a Hybrid Team Effectively

Being a leader comes with many challenges. But managing a hybrid team comes with a whole new set of obstacles that you may not have been expecting.



Many leaders in all types of organizations have experienced struggles when their team started working remote during the pandemic. Since the return to work movement has started, those same leaders are having trouble to adjusting to a hybrid model where the location of their staff changes constantly.



Since there is so much constant change in hybrid model, try to incorporate as much routine into your employees’ work schedules as you can. Make sure your team members are still checking in with you when they are working from home and set regular meetings on the calendar to make sure everyone is on track with their projects. Additionally, it might be wise to establish work hours for both the home office and on-site office, so there is no confusion.



On top of that, make sure you are clearly communicating with your team and set expectations right away. Distractions come easily when you work from home and it can be hard to stay in a good rhythm when you are switching desks and offices frequently. Make sure to be available to answer questions from your employees and let them know in advance what to expect from this model.



Managing a hybrid team can sometimes feel like you don’t have control or aren’t sitting in the drivers seat. You have to surrender a level of trust to your employees and have confidence in them to still work effectively. It might feel uncomfortable at first, but embrace it. It’s likely that many people in your company aren’t quite used to a hybrid model yet either. By giving your team some freedom, you might end up with a better end result and be impressed by the initiative they take.



Lastly, put some effort into maintaining a strong team culture at work. Your employees want to know you care about them and that they have value. Since your water-cooler conversations are limited, make sure to ask them how they’re doing or take a few minutes during a Zoom meeting to catch up. Make sure they’re comfortable with their workflow and that they are adjusting well. When managing a hybrid team, it’s important to check in and make a commitment to ensuring they’re still happy with the job.



Managing a hybrid team might feel daunting at first, but make sure to give yourself some grace. If you still feel like your team is struggling and can’t find a solution, consider changing up your workspace. Coworking spaces like CommonGrounds Workplace offer great office solutions for hybrid business models. There is exceptional flexibility and so many areas you and your employees can meet in together. You never know, it might just be the key!