6 Tips to Staying Well While Working

It’s been over two years since the pandemic began, but with the recent outbreaks of covid, it seems like staying well is still a challenge.



Return to work has swept the nation, so many business professionals are back in the office! This means we are around more people and in general have a higher chance of catching a cold or illness from a coworker. No one wants to be sick, especially during the summer with so many weddings and fun events to attend.



Committing to staying well can be challenging, but being proactive can help!



First things first, wash your hands and stay away from anyone with symptoms or has tested positive for an infection or illness. Make it a habit to keep hand sanitizer in your bag, at your desk, or in your car so that clean hands are always an option and part of your regular routine. Once it becomes second nature to you, you won’t even have to think about it.



If you hear a coworker or someone in the office is feeling under the weather, try moving to a new workspace for the day. If your office is located in a coworking space, like CommonGrounds Workplace, this is a very easy solution! Coworking spaces have common areas with soft seating and some even have hot desks so you can work outside of your normal office. If you need privacy, you can set up in a phone booth or reserve a meeting room for the day. Choose a space where you feel comfortable and productive.



Make sure to prioritize your health. Stay active by choosing an activity that you enjoy! Join an intramural league of your favorite sport or sign up for yoga classes with a friend! There are so many classes and activities offered these days, so consider trying a few different things to see what you like.



Staying well also includes being kind to your mind. If you’re feeling overwhelmed or stressed, practice self-care. Try to get to bed earlier or even take a few days off to relax and recharge. Don’t be afraid to ask for help from your manager or your friends and family. Take time to do things you love and get your health back on track!



Lastly, if you aren’t well, take a sick day and stay home! Not only is it important to listen to your body and take care of it, but you don’t want to spread anything to your coworkers or others around you. If you are feeling well enough to work, speak to your manager about working from home until you’re feeling better.



It’s important to listen to your body and mind and prioritize staying well! Even though it is the summer, colds and viruses still go around and it can be difficult to avoid them. Especially now that you’re back in the office, try to be proactive so you don’t miss out on all the summer fun ahead of you!