7 New Year’s Resolutions To Improve Your Worklife

It’s the first week of a new year, which is the perfect time to start fresh and start new. New Year’s resolutions rarely make it past the first month, but this year things can be different.


After two years of working from home and dealing with the “new normal” of worklife, wouldn’t it be great to improve your workday experience and job performance? Wouldn’t it be great to have better days full of exciting opportunities and growth? Wouldn’t it be great to have a set of goals that you can achieve and that will benefit you?


Let’s take a look at workplace goals that qualify on your New Year’s resolution list – goals you can stick to past January 2022!


1. Have a positive attitude during work hours

It’s be a hard few years, we won’t deny it. There have been a lot of challenges and hardships and frankly, it can be easy to have a negative attitude/outlook on life. That being said, there is also so much to be grateful for.

Making a change as simple as your mindset can have a huge impact on your worklife. Your coworkers will enjoy having you around, you’ll feel good about the work you are doing, and maybe ignite passion and fire inside you.

You can start slow. Simply take a moment each day to say, “Today I am happy because of….”. Smile more. Give a coworker a compliment or do something nice for someone else. Find joy in each day, and before you know it, you’ll be jumping out of bed in the morning to get to work.


2. Aim to advance your professional development

Growth is always something to strive for in your career. There is always more to learn and many opportunities are out there for you to grab ahold of.

Let 2022 be the year that you apply to a Masters program or chase after your dream job. Consider finding a mentor or networking with members in your community. Find out what the next step is for you and walk toward it confidently.


3. Reduce stress

It’s a new year with new deadlines, new projects, and new challenges – all of which are going to add stress to your worklife. A little bit of stress isn’t a bad thing, it can used as a motivator. However, when stress turns the corner and starts to overwhelm your life, it’s wise to take a step back and figure out how to take control.

It’s important to pinpoint what it is that is causing overwhelming amounts of stress in your life. Is it your workload, your colleagues, your industry, or even the pressures you put on yourself? Maybe it would help to get organized or to delegate tasks to other employees in the company. Take the necessary steps to get some weight off of your shoulders, so you can take a full breath for once.


4. Network. Network. Network.

It’s not always about what you know, but WHO you know. Networking is so incredibly valuable and the connections you make could help advance your career. Consider taking a step outside of your comfort zone and attend networking events or working with your Chamber of Commerce to get you connected. You could even start as small as sitting with someone new from the office at lunch. You never know when you might need a favor from another department, and having that new friend could come in handy.


5. Prioritize organization

Efficiency is key in achieving success in any company position. If you can’t find something on your desk instantaneously, there is a problem. If you are constantly overbooking yourself because your calendar is a mess, there is a problem. If you find yourself wasting time or missing deadlines because you have too many distractions in your office, there is a problem.

The office should be organized. It’s as simple as that. Improving organization within your desk, your calendar, and your time management can vastly improve your work performance. So book some time this week to clean out your office and get things straightened out. Your New Year’s Resolution goal is to maintain it.


6. Encourage health and wellness

Health improvements are sky high on everyone’s New Year’s Resolution list, but it’s one of the first goals to be dropped. We’re not saying you have to stick to a Keto diet or lift 200 pound weights in the gym every day. We’re simply saying, stay healthy. Get enough sleep, make an effort to eat a balanced diet, take breaks during the workday – do what you need to take care of yourself so that you can perform best in the workplace.


7. Consider an alternative to WFH

It’s been years of working from home, and we’re all sick of it. It has taken toll on our mental health by being stuck in the same place all the day, every day.

A great alternative to consider is renting a workspace from a coworking office like CommonGrounds Workplace. Whether you are looking for a private office with a short term lease, a hybrid work solution, or just a place you get a day pass to occassionally – make CommonGrounds your new home office. With full amenities and 24/7 building access*, it will feel like your home away from home, but a place you can actually get your work done.


New Year’s Resolutions shouldn’t be so hard. These seven resolutions are realistic goals you can set for yourself and feel good about when you achieve them. It’s all about balance and starting slow, and being able to maintain the changes. Sometimes change can be for the better; we just want you to be the best version of yourself, especially in the workplace.