How CommonGrounds Places Value on Coffee in the Workplace

Author: Alycia Medina | CommonGrounds Workplace
For many professionals, entrepreneurs, and self-starters – work days are sponsored by coffee. At CommonGrounds, we take that very seriously and consider coffee a necessity for making each day successful. That being said, our workspaces are well equipped with the coffee resources to make your day a little stronger and a little sweeter!
We’ll start with introducing Rosie, our iconic rose gold La Cimbali espresso machine. Rosie is elegant, reliable and essential to sharing the centuries-old Italian tradition of gathering, collaborating, and offering a cup of espresso to a friend. She can be found in many of our CommonGrounds locations and she comes with a Workplace Manager who is ready to serve her speciality drinks.
The one thing we don’t believe in is boring coffee. There are so many ways to spice up a coffee drink and I truly believe there is a time and place for each speciality beverage. Let’s look at a few of them and walk through how they can be applied to make your day the best it can be:
Americano. The boldness of an Americano fuels our space in the early mornings. The aroma has become synonymous with getting business done. It’s just the right way to start the day here!
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Cappuccino. That 10:00am second cup of coffee is where we indulge a little (especially when it’s a velvety, whole milk cappuccino). A few of our Workplace Managers like to include a light dusting on each cappuccino drink with cocoa or cinnamon before handing it off to a member. This sprinkling adds another layer of flavor and dimension to the drink.
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Espresso. We all need a jolt sometimes to bring us back to focus! An after-lunch espresso is as Italian as it gets. It’s a popular way to transition back to work-mode/beast-mode and power through the remainder of your afternoon.
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Iced Latte. A 3:00pm iced latte is always a good idea in this fall weather! This is especially true if the latte in one of our compostable to-go cups and you are a CG member who is on their way out for the day (maybe running a quick errand, taking a child to piano or soccer practice, or meeting a client for an hour or two). It’s the best drink for when you on-the-go and need just a dash of energy!
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Our teams have had amazing training when learning how to prepare drinks on Rosie. We have learned that the practice is not just about making the drink, but understanding the drink’s importance. There is so much value on the culture and community that espresso brings to people and businesses.
Our speciality drinks (complimentary by the way) and the Workplace Managers who make them are what sets CommonGrounds apart from other coworking companies. We truly care about creating a successful environment for you and your business, and doing our part to make your day as strong as it can be!