Hot Desking: Is it Hot or Not for Your Business?

We’ve all heard the term “hot desk” thrown around, but is it really worth all the hype? In this day and age, flexibility is crucial in any work environment, and hot desking fits right into that mold.


So many companies have turned to hybrid or remote work since the pandemic. Many professionals don’t mind this change of pace, but let’s be honest, it’s not always an ideal situation. We miss going into the office and getting out of the house. We miss seeing other people on a daily basis. We miss having a desk or office that isn’t in the same room as our kitchen table.


There is so much to get out of a work environment, but maybe you can’t afford to rent an office or maybe your company isn’t offering office space anymore. Maybe even you enjoy working from home, but you’d still like to get out of the house one or two days a week. So what are you to do?


Solution: hot desk.


Hot desking is a great solution because it allows flexibility. With a membership plan that calls for a hot desk, you can come into work as many or a few days days as you’d like. Hot desks are on a first come, first serve basis so whatever desk is free is yours for the day!


Hot desking is a great solution because it allows you easy access to your business community. A great way to meet new people is to work alongside of them. While you still have quiet and privacy working in a common area, you still have the ability to meet new people and connect with likeminded individuals around you.


Hot desking is a great solution because it gives you a quiet place place to work. If your home isn’t feeling quite so peaceful with your family members running around, or the local coffee shop isn’t doing it for you – a hot desk might be more your vibe. Coworking facilities have members that are respectful of boundaries and noise levels, so even a desk out in the open is still in a quiet workspace.


Hot desking is a great solution because it’s cost effective. It doesn’t break the bank to utilize a hot desk, in fact it’s extremely budget friendly. Hot desks are available with all membership plans, even lower tier plans like communal memberships or a day pass. In fact, even if you have an office membership but want a break from your team or from your environment, feel free to grab a hot desk!


There are many reasons to love working from a hot desk. Whether it is a temporary or long term solution for your business, hot desking can be a simple and easy option to finding a productive and flexible work environment.