Workplace Wellness: Staying Energized for a Productive Workday

Staying motivated can be hard. Staying on task can be hard. Let’s be honest, just staying awake sometimes can be hard!


December is a busy time of year, both professionally and personally, and that can affect your goal of productive workdays. The holiday season is among us which means holiday parties, holiday shopping, decorations everywhere and an overload of sweet treats. Professionally speaking it means wrapping up Q4, meeting deadlines, putting in those extra hours to receive an end of the year bonus, and preparing budgets and plans for the upcoming year.


No wonder you are having trouble staying awake during the workday! The sheer amount to do is a weight on your shoulders AND your eyelids.


As this busy time of year comes about, it is important to be proactive and make good decisions. There is a lot on our to-do list and we have a better chance of working efficiently and effectively if our energy is high.


The first thought that comes to mind is coffee. While coffee is a great energizer, we shouldn’t be solely reliant on it to make it through the day. In fact, “make it through the day” should not be our mindset. Our goal should be to work productively, not just scrape by.


While it might seem like a good idea to keep the mug next to your desk filled at all times, it’s better to strategically plan your caffeine intake. Scientifically speaking, it’s better to drink coffee at the optimal time for our bodies, which for most of us is mid morning or early afternoon (specifically between 9:30-11:30am or 1:30pm – 4:00pm). These time slots are between when our cortisol hormone levels peak and when our bodies will benefit most from this stimulating beverage.


One of the most obvious solutions to staying energized and achieving a productive workday is getting enough sleep each night. Studies show that the recommended amount of sleep for an adult is seven to nine hours of sleep each night.


We know, we know – this might sound impossible. Why waste all of that valuable time by sleeping?


Well actually, that time spent sleeping is incredibly valuable as it allows your body and mind to rest and recharge. The positive affects it will have on your physical body and mental health will help you to be more productive and efficient with your workday. Your cognitive abilities will be heightened, allowing you to truly do your best work. You will be able to concentrate on your tasks, think clearly, respond quickly, take on more tasks as needed, and make less mistakes.


In continuation of taking time for your health – exercise is key. Increasing your heart rate and strengthening your body’s muscles will increase your energy capacity. By pushing your body harder and caring for yourself physically, you are opening yourself up to creating more and more energy.


Not only that, but as Elle Woods famously said – “exercise gives you endorphins and endorphins make you happy!” So hopefully, exercising will also help you jump out of bed in the morning and look forward to the work day.


*Warning* – beware of the heavy lunch that will make you want to sleep for hours after you eat.


We’ve all been there. You meet a friend or take a client to lunch and you end up ordering an entree that is rich and delicious. While in the moment it is worth every bite, back at the office you find yourself fighting to keep your eyes open.


A productive workday can be affected by details as minimum as what you eat. We aren’t saying you have to make overly healthy choices and bring homemade quinoa and tofu salads for your lunch everyday. Instead, be intentional about having a lunch that is well balanced and will energize you to tackle the rest of your day. Make sure your meal has protein (chicken, fish, eggs, beans) and is full of color (fruits, vegetables, nuts, juices).


Let’s say you’ve made good choices and are being proactive, but you are having an off day and just cannot stay awake. You’re feeling like a productive workday just isn’t in the cards for you today. What to do?


Well, sometimes a short break and a moment to just relax and recharge can do the trick. At CommonGrounds, many of our coworking spaces have wellness and relaxation rooms that are private with comfortable seating. These are the perfect environments to take a few minutes to yourself to calm your mind and your body and recharge, all while still at work.


It’s a busy time of year, so making every day a productive workday can be very challenging. However, it doesn’t have to be so hard. In fact, with these few suggestions it can be pretty easy! So take it one step at a time, one day at a time and your mind, body, and work performance will thank you!