5 Reasons Why a Coworking Space is More Productive than a Library

When we think of an ideal place for quiet study or work, the first place that comes to mind is the library.


A library might be quiet and full of resourceful books, but when it comes to a productive day, is it really the best course of action? We’re testing the theory and decided to send in one of our own to see how productive her workday went.


Workday Timeline

10:01am (library opens at 10:00am) – Arrival

10:04am – Selects table to set up laptop and notebook

10:30am – Laptop computer is on 3%, so has to relocate to another table by the wall with an outlet

10:48am – Children begin to arrival

11:00am – Reading hour in the children’s room begins

11:01am – The noise level increases from a 1 to a 5

11:45am – The noise level increases from a 5 to a 7

12:05pm – Lunchtime. Has to sit outside on a bench, as there is no eating or drinking inside the library

12:22pm – Selects a table to work at and unpacks entire backpack for the second time

12:23pm – Thinking about a coffee

1:30pm – The study space now holds 4 other students who have arrived to study for the day. Nearby, a college student begins a virtual call

2:00pm – Computer is losing its battery again, but no tables are available with an outlet nearby

2:06pm – Relocated to a couch in the Young Adults section with an outlet nearby

3:30pm – Relocates back to a table in a quieter area

5:03pm – Packs up and leaves for the day


The positive news is that our test agent made it through most of a work day, as opposed to her experience working out of a coffee shop which lasted less than two hours due to the noise level. The negative news is that she was unable to fully complete her work, due to lack of resources inhibiting her productivity.


The major components that attributed to her inabilities were lack of proper workspace/seating, inconvenient outlet locations for charging devices, noise level, and comfort level.


The amount of time spent searching for a seat where she could properly charge her computer and phone, while still working was unacceptable. In an ideal world, one desk or one workspace that holds everything you need for the day is just that, ideal.


Additionally, the noise level reached shocking levels for a place with a reputation for being quiet. The truth about the library though is that it is not solely designed for people who are working or studying. The space was not designed for productivity; it has other purposes like education and entertainment.


Lastly, while there were many comfortable couches and chairs available, there was a lack of comfort in the space. Our test agent had to leave the library any time she wanted to have a meal or run out for a coffee. She even felt uncomfortable drinking out of her water bottle at times.


So, it comes as no surprise that by the end of the day and the end of her experience – she came to the conclusion that a coworking space held much more productivity for her workday. Let’s look at the five reasons she outlined below:


1. Private Workspaces

One of the best things about a coworking space is the privacy when I want it, and the community when I need it. The way that I work is on my terms. Whether I decide to work out of a private office, reserve a conference room for a few hours, or takeover a hot desk in the communal area – I am always guaranteed privacy.


2. Coffee Coffee Coffee

From the moment I walked in the front doors, to the moment I left, I was dreaming of coffee. A huge perk of a coworking space is that there is always freshly brewed coffee available. Truly, I would lease an office for just that amenity alone…

However at the library, not only was I not able to grab a coffee at my convenience, but I couldn’t even drink it in the space if I wanted to! There were rules about no food or beverages in the space and that was a huge turn off to me.


3. Sit-Stand Desks with Advanced Technology

Never did I appreciate the design of my workspace before I didn’t have it. At CommonGrounds, the sit-stand desks in the offices come equipped with built in outlets. The amount of times I had to change my seat at the library was unbelievable, just to do something as simple as charge my laptop! I wasted so much time searching for a spot that was available and where I could still work as my devices charged.


4. Ambiance

In a coworking space, I can hear myself think. It comes with peace and quiet. Again, never did I think I wouldn’t be able to achieve that in a library!

The truth about a library though, is that it is multi-purpose. I happened to be there during a time that was busy and where there were many children and people running around.

My workspace at CommonGrounds is always peaceful, whether I’m in an office or not. Even in the communal areas during lunch hour, other members are very respectful and keep the noise levels to a minimum. When I’m working in an office, the walls are acoustically enhanced and dual paned so that any noise happening in offices nearby or in the hallway are undetectable from inside my four walls.


5. Comfort

A majority of my time at the library, I felt like I was walking on eggshells. I truly felt like I wasn’t wanted there and it was a problem for the staff that I was taking up a table.

At CommonGrounds, the Workplace Managers are so friendly and are there to help me with anything I need. It might seem small, but it does brighten my day to know that there’s people there to help me and who genuinely want me to succeed.


So, the results are in – working out of a coworking space is more productive and is the grand prize winner of where to work. Interested in trying it out for yourself? Schedule a tour and receive a free trial* to see if it’s the right fit for you!


*terms and conditions apply