How Coworking Spaces Improve Work for the Business Traveler

When it comes to business travel, chances are you are traveling to a city where your company does not have an office nearby. Depending on your line of work, this could cause a real problem for your productivity as you search for the right place to spend your workday.


Your hotel room is not an ideal solution. Studies show that the place you associate “rest” with, is not the same place you should associate “work” with. Even if your room comes equipped with a desk and a chair, let’s be honest they are there for show and are not properly designed to enhance your comfort during your long workday.


Your next thought may be to find a coffee shop nearby, or if you are in a rush to catch your flight, a VIP lounge in the airport. The problem with these two options are that you are not guaranteed privacy on any level – both in your network security and with those around you. These two spots could be noisy and the people surrounding you could be listening in on your important meeting.


So, where should you go? Where would be the best place to get your work done as you travel? Answer: A coworking space. Specifically, CommonGrounds Workplace.


Why a coworking space? Why CommonGrounds Workplace?


A coworking space offers you everything you need – a workspace, privacy, security, printing stations, intelligent staff, cleanliness, coffee, and many other amenities. Specifically CommonGrounds because CG is the premier coworking space you can find across the United States. Other coworking space do not even begin to compare when it comes to quality.


At a coworking space, there are many options for how you can work. We understand that every business professional doesn’t work the same way. Perhaps you’d like to rent a private office – we can accommodate that. Perhaps you’d simply like a hot desk in a common area – we can accommodate that. Perhaps you’d like to reserve a conference room for a few hours to conduct a meeting – we can accommodate that. Perhaps your business travel is keeping you in town for a few months and you want to set up a temporary satellite office – we can accommodate that.


Whatever your needs, big or small, our team is here to help. We are here to be your home away from home and make your workdays as simple and swift as possible.


In terms of cost, a coworking space like CommonGrounds offers affordable rates that you can’t find anywhere else. Whether you are looking for a day pass, conference room reservations, or a short term lease – a coworking space is cost effective and budget friendly. You don’t have to commit to a long term agreement for our rates to be affordable.


CommonGrounds is proud to offer locations across the country, so where ever your business travel takes you, we can create a productive and flexible work environment for you.


Business travel does not have to be something you dread or a difficult experience. With flexible workspaces and all-inclusive amenities, a workday spent at CommonGrounds could be the best workday you have ever had. It can be simple and easy; it can be joyful and luxurious. We hope that where ever your work takes you, to cities big or small, you can find a CommonGrounds and feel right at home.