5 Important Qualities that Make a Good Manager

One of the most valuable aspects in creating a hospitable work environment is having a manager that brings strong leadership into the workplace. As the new year begins, you may find yourself promoted to a management position or starting a role in management with a new company. As you take on this position, it’s wise to keep in mind some qualities you’d like to pursue as a manager to create an efficient work environment within the company, full of successful and hard working employees.


1. Communication Skills

A good manager is able to communicate effectively. You want to be clear when you set expectations with your staff and be able to have open conversations when problems arise. Part of communicating well is being able to listen and respond accordingly, in a way that is understandable and impactful to the recipient.


2. Supportive

An ideal manager cares about his or her employees. He or she would want their staff to excel, both for the company’s sake and for their own personal, professional growth. To do so, speak regularly with your employees and encourage communication, so that you are aware of any problems in the workplace or areas that need improvement.


3. Integrity

In a leadership position, you set the tone for your workplace. Managers are role models for their employees, so as a role model, set a standard for integrity and honesty. A leader that is trustworthy and responsible will be respected by his or her employees. It’s crucial for a team to be able to be honest with each other and establish trust. Employees will be more open with you and feel like they can come to you for support. It all begins with your actions and what you do to establish those standards.


4. Goal Oriented

What are you going to do to make the workplace and the company better? Good managers devise achievable goals to be executed within a reasonable timeline. Create goals that are strategic and that can be measured and tracked for performance. A good manager is able to motivate and encourage his or her staff throughout the timeline, and understand what was effective or what needs improvement the next time.


5. Dedication

One quality all good managers share is dedication to their company and consistent hard work. It takes time and energy to get the job done and to manage a staff of any size. If your staff sees you slacking off, they are not going to be incentivized to do their job well. Be passionate about the tasks in front of you, so that you can set a good example of the work ethic you want to encourage throughout the workplace.


As a manager – it’s a good idea to have a productive workspace to ensure maximum job performance for yourself and your employees. Interested? Schedule a tour today at CommonGrounds and you might qualify for a free trial for you and your team!