How the Hybrid Work Model Benefits from a Coworking Space

Over the past two years, the term “hybrid working” has come up repeatedly as companies redefine how and where they spend their day. But what is a hybrid work model?


A hybrid work model is a plan that incorporates a mixture of in-office and remote work in an employee’s schedule.


The trouble with hybrid working is that companies are stuck having to sign long term leases for workspaces without knowing how long the hybrid work model with last for their company, when it will start, and how it effective it will be. Additionally, many employees give pushback on going back into the office because they enjoy working from the comfort of their own home.


If your company falls into this category, it would be well worth your time to look into using a coworking space like CommonGrounds Workplace to execute your hybrid business model.


A coworking company does not demand long term agreements, so the fear of being stuck in a lease you can’t afford and aren’t using is not a fear you need to have. You have the ability to sign month-to-month or within a term that is comfortable for you.


Coworking companies offer offices of all sizes. This is a great solution for hybrid working, as you can decide if you’d prefer for your employees to use communal spaces, have their own offices, share desks, or all work within the same office. The way in which your company will perform best may be determined by the workspace you choose, and there are endless options for you to select at a coworking company.


Additionally, you have the ability to grow and change workspaces as your company does. If you decide that your company performs better completely in-person, there is a larger office that can accommodate.


As you consider a hybrid working model for your business, you may be getting pushback and complaints from your employees about reducing their work from home hours. At CommonGrounds, your office is home away from home with all of the featured amenities included in your membership.


Coworking spaces offer comfortable common areas with soft seating, coffee and beverage stations, stocked kitchens/pantries, and some locations even have fitness centers in the buildings, relaxation/wellness rooms, and outdoor patios. Our spaces have all the comforts of home, without all the distractions of home.


Hybrid working is happening all over the world and appears to be a good solution for many companies. Your business does not have to make sacrifices or compromises you aren’t comfortable with, just to have the happy medium of working hybrid. A coworking company like CommonGrounds is able to provide solutions for your business, in more ways than one.