5 Steps for Entrepreneurs to Keep an Organized Office

It’s been said that your workspace is a reflection of your mindset.


We all get overwhelmed with work. The more overwhelm you feel, the more it can seep into your workspace and soon enough you can’t find anything. You are fighting to feel creative and walking into your messy office immediately expels anxiety regarding the day ahead of you.


Just as it’s important to keep a clear mind in business, it’s important to keep an organized office. Trust us, your business will thank you. Let’s consider some of the ways and steps to take when getting your mind and your office organized –


1. Take a deep breath.

At CommonGrounds, we have relaxation rooms* for a reason. Sometimes you just need a break and to take a step away from your office into somewhere new. As an entrepreneur, stress is constant as you figure out your brand, your product, and as you establish your business.


If you are feeling overwhelmed and your mind is feeling cluttered before tackling a task, take a few minutes to find some clarity in a room or new setting to bring you back down.


2. Adjust the layout of your space

Is the way you have things set up really the best way? It is important to make sure your space is working properly. For example, if you are printing constantly, but your printer is on the other side of the room, maybe consider moving it closer or purchasing a table for it to sit on, so it is more accessible.


Similarly, if the files you constantly reach for, or even your writing utensils are in the bottom drawer, adjust and rearrange so that your most commonly used items are close by.


3. Keep a trash can nearby

We cannot stress this enough. Not only do you need to have an organized space, but a CLEAN space as well. If there are remnants of lunch or old documents laying around and taking up desk space, your productivity is going to decrease.


Just make sure that any private or personal documents are shredded before they are discarded.


4. Invest in storage containers or a filing system

It is so difficult to get work done if you don’t know where anything is. How many times have you said to yourself, “Oh, I just saw that a minute ago, but I can’t remember where I put it.”


We’ve all said it and promised to do better, yet shortly thereafter it happens again. If everything in your office has a clear place, maintain it and utilize it so that you always know where your items are.


As you are storing and filing your items, consider adding a label so that you can see clearly what is where. It is not enough to just KNOW your items are organized, you need to SEE it so that you can access it.


5. Maintain your organization

Once you find a system that works for you, maintain it. It is not enough to organize your office once, sigh a breath of relief, and not maintain it. Make a commitment to yourself that you are going to continue to utilize this system and keep it intact, for the sake of your business.


An organized office is a productive office and can change the way your business operates. It may seem like a lot of work upfront, but once you have an established system, you’ll be surprised (and pleased) as how easy each workday becomes.


*Relaxation and wellness rooms are available at select CommonGrounds locations. Please see your workplace team for details.