The Value of Having Conference Rooms in Your Workspace

Do you really need conference rooms in your workplace? Only if you want to maximize your workday.


Do you feel limited by your office?



Offices that are just four walls and a desk can hold businesses back. There is no room for privacy, no where to meet with clients, no place to take phone calls or conduct virtual meetings. There is so much more your company is capable of doing, and sometimes that requires another room than just your office.



Just like every person, business, and idea is different and unique, so is every meeting. Here at CommonGrounds Workplace, we strive to create the right spaces for each work environment, so you can focus on the job at hand. We understand that your business has needs; needs that require extra attention, space, and service that is all-inclusive. One of the ways we accommodate those needs is with a variety of private conference rooms.



Our conference rooms come in all shapes sizes, with capacities starting from four person all the way up to twenty person. We understand that not every space is the right fit for every meeting. Whether you are looking for a smaller, more personal setting for a one-on-one meeting or a large room to accommodate a sizable group of people, it can be found at one of our coworking spaces across the country.



We have equipped our conference rooms with the latest technologies that make it as simple as 1-2-3 to connect during virtual meetings. Additionally, many of our meeting rooms feature white boards to make presentations or brainstorming ideas effortless. Whether you are looking for a space to take a quick phone call or conduct an important presentation, the right conference room is available for you.



The process of booking a conference room is easy! Using the CG+ app, you can reserve conference rooms in advance to ensure your private meeting space. The CG+ app allows you to book a conference room anytime, anywhere. Whether you are just steps away in your private office or at home during the weekend, you have the ability to ensure the meeting room of your choosing will be reserved at the time you need it.



It is important to have space. When it comes to your workspace, you need to have room to breathe and a place that can meet your needs. Conference rooms in your workspace add value to your business because they accommodate situations that require privacy and professionalism. If you have an important meeting with a potential client or even an interview with an incoming team member, you don’t want to have to worry about other coworkers overhearing your conversation, or ensuring that your desk has been tidied in advance.



Meeting rooms allow you privacy when you need it. They give your business that extra branch of professionalism and productivity. Last, but not least, they give you a change of environment when you need it. Sometimes your creative juices get blocked by being locked in the same setting all day.



If your current workspace does not offer conference rooms, it is important to ask yourself why not and how you could benefit from them (maybe give this article another read to see why). At CommonGrounds, we understand the value of your business and it is important to us to do everything we can to assist. We understand the value that meeting rooms add to a workspace and we encourage our members to utilize the value they bring.



For special requests regarding meeting rooms, please see your Workplace Manager.