The Advantages of Working from an Office

It’s important to check in with yourself from time to time to make sure you’re working the best way you can. Working from an office might sound like a drag as compared to working from home, but the office can actually give you a leg up in the work force.


There are certainly dream aspects to working from home. You can exit your bed at 8:59am and make it to work by 9:00am. There’s no traffic during your commute and you can refill your coffee cup by taking just a few steps into the kitchen.



But is this the best way to work? Are there any advantages to this other than comfort?



It’s time for that check in and to think about if you’re working the best way you can. Working from an office has many benefits, so when your manager tells you it’s time to return to the office post pandemic, you might want to look at all of the upsides.



When working from an office, there’s a lack of isolation. It can be draining to constantly be the only one in your home, day in and day out. You need a change of scenery from time to time and connecting with others is important. Friends and relationships are created at work. It’s much easier and more efficient to collaborate with your team at the office, than over a Zoom call.



Heading back to the office gives you something to look forward to. It freshens your mindset and gives you new environments to be inspired from. Do you feel that way at home? Chances are, probably not.



Working from an office allows you the opportunity to separate work life and home life. It’s very easy for the two to mix when you work from home. Distractions come easily at the home office and you can find yourself constantly taken away from work to do tasks around the house. You might find yourself behind on projects or missing deadlines.



The office creates a clear boundary between professional and personal life. When at work, you can focus solely on work. You have resources there to help you get your job done well and productively. When the end of the day comes, you can leave that mindset in the office and head home to your personal life.



Are you still not convinced the office is a better workplace for you? What if we said we knew of the perfect happy medium. Coworking spaces like CommonGrounds Workplace offer the convenience and flexibility of home, without having to be there. You can choose your own schedule, wear comfortable clothing, and have an endless supply of coffee nearby.



Coworking spaces provide you all the same resources a standard office would, but on another level. They offer all-inclusive amenities such as soft seating lounges, private call rooms, stocked kitchens and pantries, and have a huge network of professionals to connect with. The advantages of such an office are endless!