Back to School – Workspace Solutions for Students

Fall is in the air and while that means pumpkin spice lattes, apple picking, and warm sweaters, it also means back to school. Over the past two years, students have had to get creative with their study spaces. Virtual learning has forced many students to take online classes and move back home, which is not always the ideal study environment. Studies have shown the pandemic has negatively impacted student’s grades due to these constant academic changes. So after all of this time, the question remains – what will stay consistent for students? What will help them study better and improve their grades? Our answer is – a better study environment.


A coworking facility such as CommonGrounds Workplace might not be the first place to come to mind when searching for a study space, however it is a great alternative to studying at home, in the library or even on campus. Flexibility is key when it comes to CommonGrounds and it’s key to a student’s schedule. The ability to come and go whenever suits them is a factor that all students look for in a study space. Students don’t have to reserve a desk or rush over immediately after class to make sure they are on time; they can pop in for a few hours when their schedule allows it and access an available workspace that’s organized and ready to go.


CommonGrounds Workplace is a collaborative space. All of our members are able to utilize common areas, hot desks, lounges, and conferences rooms. Gone are the days where study groups have to ask each other, “whose room is free to study in tonight?” because there are endless spaces to gather in at CG (spaces that offer free coffee, high speed Wi-Fi, free printing, and creative inspiration everywhere you look, by the way).


Our collaborative spaces also offer the opportunity to network with the local business community. Finding your next internship or mentor has never been so easy. Our members are looking to make connections, no matter your age or skill level. At CommonGrounds, you can get in on the ground floor in your field of interest and with someone who can help you achieve your goals.


As a CommonGrounds member, you are privy to all of the amenities we offer. We understand that many students are on a budget and CommonGrounds has so many avenues to help you maintain that. All of our locations offer complimentary coffee (some of our workplace managers even make killer espressos and lattes), so you don’t have to worry about giving your entire paycheck to Starbucks each week.


We also understand how stressful college can be. All of our locations have relaxation rooms with massage chairs and calming atmospheres to help bring you back to earth during your study breaks. These rooms contribute to stabilized mental health, better posture, and increased efficiency which is something your standard college library cannot offer you.


One of the greatest differentiators of a coworking space like CommonGrounds, is that our spaces were designed to host events. Whether you are an art student looking for a space to host a gallery exhibit, an entrepreneur looking for a space to host a launch party, or a film student looking for a space to shoot videos – we have the perfect space for you.


As a student, you don’t have to settle for your study space or let your GPA suffer because you can’t concentrate in your room. Take the next step and pursue a better solution that will enhance your creativity, productivity, and flexibility. CommonGrounds Workplace is a place you can work your way – no matter what walk of life you’re in, student or full-time work.