The Best Plants to Brighten Your Office

Author: Jennifer Wilcox, Workplace Coordinator (Salt Lake City, UT) | CommonGrounds Workplace


Looking for a way to boost your mood and productivity in your workplace?  Your solution could be as simple as adding plants! Not only do plants make your office space more aesthetically pleasing, but studies show incorporating plants into an office setting increases productivity and creativity, reduces stress, and helps clean the air.


With so many beautiful options how do you know what to choose?  Here are a few tips and tricks to keep in mind when searching for the perfect plant to brighten your environment!


  1. Consider the lighting

Many offices usually have filtered or low sunlight, so it’s important to choose the right plants for your environment. If you have an interior office without windows, you want to make sure you choose plants that don’t need direct sunlight to thrive. You don’t want to make the mistake of purchasing a plant that needs immense amounts of sunlight, and then have to take it home or purchase additional light for your office. Your plants are supposed to make your workspace less stressful, not stress inducing.

On the alternative, if your office has several windows that bring in sunlight and heat, you want to make sure your plant does well in these conditions. You aren’t doing yourself or your plant any favors if it can’t survive in your environment.


  1. Choose low maintenance.

As beautiful as flowering plants can be, they require a lot of care. Be sure to select a plant that doesn’t need frequent watering or cleaning, so you’re not taking time out of your workday to constantly tend to your greenery.


  1. Space and size.

Just like humans, plants need their space.  Don’t try to squeeze plants in a corner or behind furniture if your office is already too crowded. You also want to ensure that your plants are located in a place where they are safe from bumps by furniture, doors or passersby. If you have chosen a tall, leafy green that gets rustled every time you walk by, maybe rethink getting something smaller that can just sit on your window sill or desk.


Now that we have all the facts, it’s time to move on to the selection! Below are five great options for low light, low maintenance plants to help elevate your office appeal:

  • Snake Plant
  • Philidendron
  • Peperonia
  • Succulents
  • Spider plant


Now that you’ve chosen the right plant for you, consider these few tips to keep your new plant healthy and happy:

  • Be sure to follow watering directions for your particular variety as well as the following:
    • If possible, water your plant in a sink to ensure all the soil is saturated – not just the surface
    • Let the water drain from the bottom before replacing in its saucer or container
  • Occasionally dust your plants leaves
  • Trim or clean off any dead leaves
  • Don’t forget to take your plants home if you go on an extended vacation


Having a plant in your workspace may seem like a lot to consider, but the benefits of adding a touch of color and personality to your office will be well worth it. At CommonGrounds Workplace, we are so proud to have Planterra walls and design accents in our some of spaces. Incorporating greenery and living art really adds creative inspiration to the environment and the more productive we can make our spaces, the better! If you’re looking for a company to purchase your new plants for your office from, feel free to reach out to your Workplace Manager to see if they have any suggestions. We love to support local, especially when it comes to supporting the environment and adding to your office.