The Future of Work Has Been Changed By Coworking Spaces

Coworking spaces are changing the future of work, and it’s for the better.



The standard office experience is being pushed aside to make way for workspaces that are unique and where people enjoy coming to each day. As covid cases decrease, 2022 is seeing a period of “great return” where companies are calling their employees to return to the office. Businesses of all sizes, from entrepreneurs to large enterprise companies, are seeing the benefits coworking spaces offer. Let’s take a look at a few and how they are changing the office experience.



The one thing the pandemic has locked the door to for the past two years is togetherness. It’s also the one thing that people around the world have been missing desperately. Humans were meant to be together. They were meant to gather, find enjoyment, and learn from one another.



Coworking spaces bring people of all ages, professions, and interests together by their unique design. There is ample opportunity to network and to have conversation, just by being in the same workspace. These workspaces were designed for interaction, from their speciality drink stations to open soft seating to their ever popular, stocked kitchens for members and their guests.



This type of interaction is a game changer when it comes to the workforce. People are able to expand their networks and learn from people within their industry; people they never would have met otherwise. When your company leases a floor from an office building on the side of town, you are only able to interact with the people in your company, or just even your department. In a coworking space, you meet professionals from all over the area with different interests and connections. You are able to find new clients, collaborators, and new opportunities. All by just coming into the office.



A second contributor to positive changes in the future of work is the productivity these spaces offer. Coworking spaces were designed to inspire, both in and out of your private office. From the moment the spaces are designed, factors of comfort, creativity, and productivity were kept in mind. The layout of the space, the furniture, and all of the amenities were designed to help your business.



Additionally, in this type of workspace, members are not confined to just one area. They have the ability to utilize space other than their designated office. For so many professionals, writers block or creative block is a real obstacle. One of the most effective ways for combating block is to change your environment. Coworking spaces offer private phonebooths, relaxation rooms, soft seating areas, lounges, and hot desks so that their members can switch up their workspace and be inspired by what is around them.



The future of work includes flexibility. People are wanting to continue to work from home due to the ability to roll out of bed in the morning and be steps away from “their office”. Work from home allows the redefining of office hours, office attire, and break times.



Flexibility is a word that is practically drilled into the walls of coworking spaces. With many membership plans, members have access to their workspace 24/7 and can choose their own schedule. Additionally, they can choose if they want to work alone in their office, work in a common area with others, or reserve conference rooms for special meetings. The options are endless, but one thing reigns true: it’s up to them in how they want to work.



People work differently in 2022 than they did in 2019, before the pandemic began. As time has gone on and the world has changed, it is important for workspaces to adapt and cater to the needs of businesses. Each business is different and operates differently. Each employee has a different preference of schedule or work ethic than their colleagues might. But there is one type of work environment that caters to all of those differences – a coworking space.



To tour a CommonGrounds coworking space near you, contact our team: here.