How to Maintain Efficiency in a Hybrid Work Model

It’s been a busy few years where work models are constantly changing from remote to in-person to hybrid and back again. As the waves of the pandemic increase and decrease, so has the way (and the place) we work.


Since 2022, many companies have gone hybrid and allowed their employees to work both remotely and in-person. But let’s face it – it’s hard to make good use of your time when you feel like you constantly have to adapt to a new work environment.


Your schedule when working from home is different than when you’re working in the office; as is your attire, your meal preparations, your socialization, and the way you manage you time. It’s hard to be efficient when you don’t have a consistent routine.



When working in a hybrid business model, consider the following suggestions to help combat challenges you may face when it comes to being productive.



1. Embrace communication with your team. If you are having a difficult time adjusting between two different work environments, let your manager know and see if you can work together on making the transition easier. By having open communication, you will spend less time worrying and trying to problem solve, and more time focused on work.



2. Stay organized and make a list of tasks you want to complete. If you know ahead of time what you need to accomplish, you’ll be able to better map out your schedule.


For example – perhaps you have a project due at the end of the week that you need to collaborate with your colleagues on. At the beginning of the week, you have the time to ensure you’ll be in the office on the same days as your colleagues. Additionally, you’ll be able to plan to work at the home on the days you to do research or other independent work.


By working this way, you can avoid challenges that hold back your efficiency. For example – having to hold a virtual meeting that takes twice as long due to background distractions, audio issues, or poor communication solely because you didn’t plan ahead to meet on the days when you all would be in the office together.



3. Create a suitable work environment at BOTH workspaces. At the home office and company office, your workspace should have everything you need. A lot of time can be wasted when you forget your computer charger at the office or because your home office doesn’t have a printer that’s compatible with your computer. When you sit down at your workplace – at home or at the office – it needs to be adequately equipped with exactly what you need.



A hybrid work model can be great for your schedule, your efficiency, and your career as long as you know how to manage your time at each workspace. Best case scenario is having your company office feel like your home office, just in a more professional setting. This is the way many members at CommonGrounds Workplace feel due to all the of amazing amenities and support they receive from their workplace team. Their office is home away from home.