The Value of Networking in a Coworking Space

It’s not always about what you know, but who you know.


There are many benefits to leasing an office from a coworking space (all-inclusive amenities, complimentary beverages, spacious offices); one of the greatest being the constant opportunity to network.


You never know who you’ll meet or how a single conversation could change things for you or your business. Coworking spaces are filled with start ups, entrepreneurs, and business professionals of all trades. You never know how reaching out to someone or starting a conversation could positively affect both of your businesses.


When it comes to networking, you don’t have to give away industry secrets or conduct a sales pitch to connect with someone. Start simple – just be friendly and open. Share a little about your business and ask to hear about their company as well. Coworking spaces offer perfect opportunities to spark casual conversation such as this when grabbing a coffee in the kitchen, sitting in the lounge areas, or even just walking down the hallway.


Even if you spend just a few minutes talking with someone, you never know how that connection could be useful to either party in the future. It’s even possible that they will recommend you to a friend or colleague if your services do not suit their needs.


Networking is another way to get comfortable talking about your business. Especially if you are a new business or a startup and need practice in pitching what your business does and can offer others. There is less pressure, and for the most part, members are genuinely interested in getting to know you and your business because it’s an opportunity to grow their business as well.


Coworking companies tend to host member events all throughout the year. Attending these events are another great way to meet people in the office and make connections. You already have something to bond over and you are all there for the same reason (even if it’s just to enjoy some great snacks). If you are having any trouble, make sure to connect with your workplace team for recommendations on who might be a good connection for your business.


So, take advantage of what a membership at CommonGrounds offers and all of the people that come with it! Seize the day and network away.