Unique Features of CommonGrounds Workplace: Carlsbad  

Author: Estefan Galue, Workplace Manager | CommonGrounds Carlsbad


CommonGrounds Carlsbad: The headquarters and one-stop shop for business success and the site that started it all. When speaking unique features, CommonGrounds Carlsbad offers all-inclusive amenities that make the space incredibly special.


To list a few:

1. Ground level access: 

First floor street-level access is a great feature for any large move-ins. The hassle of bringing in workplace furniture is simply reduced with our main entrance doors/site location all being on the first floor/street-level.


2. 0.8 Miles from the Beach 

Located in an energizing area, CommonGrounds Carlsbad offers a unique amenity – the Pacific Ocean! Walking, biking, or driving are but a few options in which a member may reach the beach. In fact, many members from CG Carlsbad enjoy going on team bonding runs to the beach. If seeing your coworker gasp for air doesn’t create team-bonding, then what does?! In all seriousness, having a proximity as close to any body of water can be therapeutic and stress-relieving.


3. Outdoor CrossFit-style gym 

Located in our backyard, members have access to a communal, CrossFit-inspired, outdoor recreational gym. With Sunday – Saturday access members and residents of BluWater Crossing have the chance to improve their physical health just a couple of feet from their workstation. A full perimeter of coated wood allows for the utmost privacy whether it’s a simple workout, or a full-body workshop class!


4. Private shower/lockers 

Taking into consideration working near a mass body of water, as well as having a gym in our backyard space, a private shower onsite feels like a must. Members have 24/7 access to this private shower room with digital number lockers for any overnight items. Towels are replaced and washed daily, and shampoo, conditioner, and body wash are replenished and refilled weekly.


5. Outdoor patio and plaza 

Our famous Anchor offices are equipped with outdoor seating that are accessible to all, yet still able to receive blazing fast internet connectivity. Along with a wide variety of outdoor soft and hard seating areas to meet, work, or have lunch, CG Carlsbad also offers outdoor games for team bonding. Two giant concrete blocks for Cornhole, as well as a plus-sized wooden Connect Four are great for a group of two or more members and is a great way to take a break while still being close to work!


6. Communal bicycle racks and surfboards with storage 

With plenty of bicycle rack spaces available, members are free to bring any e-bikes or regular bicycles to securely lock by our main entrance doors. The same goes for any members that enjoy to surf or paddle board.


7. Coaster commuter & Amtrak 

CommonGrounds Carlsbad is conveniently located across from Poinsettia train station serving the Coaster commuter & Amtrak. Additionally there is free on-site parking (with option to have dedicated parking / two (2) Tesla chargers available) and other accessible parking locations nearby (Amtrak/Coaster station or BluWater Crossing free parking).


8. On-site INVITA Café with kitchen and catering options 

Just a couple of feet away from our main entrance doors is an authentic Italian American fusion café named INVITA Café. With gourmet-style and affordable breakfast and lunch options, not to mention some of the best espresso I’ve ever tasted, INVITA makes it difficult for members to want to go anywhere else.


The friendly staff goes above and beyond to make sure your cravings are completely taken care of. With daily delivery of fresh pastries from local bakeries, my absolute favorite is their selection of banana breads (chocolate chip in particular…) so if you live in the area or close by, you’ll thank me later!


These are just a few of our unique amenities that CG Carlsbad offers. If you’re in the area, I’d love to host you for a tour. Simply pop on in and we can get started!