Why Businesses are Thriving in Coworking Spaces like CommonGrounds – Part 2: Amenities

As businesses take a look at their leases on their standard offices, one of the questions they might ask before re-signing is – “what’s missing from our worklife?”


When that question is brought up during a tour and when asked what CommonGrounds can offer as a differentiator, we have many answers to support that question with one of them being amenities. The amenities in a coworking space add so much value to the workplace. Not only does it make each day easier, but a little bit brighter, knowing you have endless resources at your fingertips.


So, what are amenities? Amenities are features that provide comfort, luxury, and enjoyment to the members in our workspaces. When thinking about what we could offer our members, we strove to take the basic needs of each individual above and beyond.


Some of the premier amenities CommonGrounds nationwide^ offers to our members are:

  • Sit-stand desks with ergonomic chairs
  • Relaxation and or wellness rooms
  • Acoustically enhanced phone booths
  • Dual fiber secure, high speed Wi-Fi
  • Keyless entry
  • Conference rooms
  • Shared kitchen/pantry with complimentary coffee
  • Dual pane modular offices for maximum privacy
  • Printing stations
  • CG+ app


However, as each workplace is individual and unique, so are some of our amenities. Several of our workplaces offer fitness centers, patio/rooftop access, bike storage, and on-site Invita Cafes.


Similarly, CommonGrounds has partnered with businesses like CorePower Yoga to offer discounts to our members. We find that coming together as a community has the potential to make an impact, so we are proud to offer our members programs with our esteemed partners.


One of the greatest factors about our amenities, is that they are all-inclusive. That means that there is no extra cost to access our amenities, as they are included with your membership* plan.


At CommonGrounds, it is our goal to offer our members not only a superior office space, but a superior work day. Amenities are a big part of that. Most business professionals don’t look forward to the work day, so we have worked hard to set a new standard. We strive to make the start of your workday just as bright as the end.


*Certain amenities like 24/7 building access or unlimited conference room usage are only included in dedicated desk and office memberships. Speak to your Workplace Team for details.

^Not all of the amenities listed are available in each site across the United States, as all of our spaces are unique.