How to Stay Productive at Work During the Summer

Is summer calling you away from work?



The sun is shining, the air is fresh, and social media is packed full of vacation pictures from friends and family. Meanwhile, you’re stuck at work and day dreaming of a tropical vacation or weekend barbecues with friends. The call of summer is hard to resist and can make focusing wildly difficult.



These are the months we look forward to all winter long. The summer is filled with fun activities, outdoor excursions, and beautiful weather to enjoy. It can be tough watching that from the window in your office.



A great way to maintain your focus is to plan a trip or schedule some time off. Your company gives you vacation time for a reason, so make use of it! Having a trip scheduled on your calendar will give you something to look forward to and make you feel refreshed when you return. If you’re saving your PTO for another season, plan fun activities for the weekend or for weekday evenings. This way you’ll be able to compartmentalize by saving your excitement for your plans and keeping your focus at work.



Depending on where you live, consider changing up how you commute. If your office isn’t too far from your home, consider biking or walking to work to enjoy some time outside. This way you’ll get your sunshine fix twice a day! Just make sure to keep an eye on the weather, so you don’t get caught in the rain.



Similarly, consider using your lunch break to utilize some outside time. Take a walk around the block with your coworkers or choose a restaurant with outdoor seating. When you return, you’ll feel a little more motivated and energized!



Lastly, when looking for a workspace or an office, try to find one with an outdoor area or rooftop patio. Coworking spaces like CommonGrounds Workplace* may have beautiful outdoor areas where you can set up shop for the day. You’ll get your Vitamin D as you take calls and check off items on your daily to-do list. What could be better than that?





*Only select CommonGrounds locations have outdoor or rooftop patios. Please see your workplace manager for details.